The renovation of the website:

This set of math documents was originally written starting in about 2002. It is being revised to update the Math Tags language from its original tag format to something better and more diversified, and other functions, change from HTML4 to HTML5, and whatever else I decide is needed.

Note that calculators no longer work because they relied on Java Applets which are no longer supported. The new Java calculator application is not available for download.

The evolution of the project since the beginning...

1. Original 2002 version, rendered by my interpreter, math.php. It translates priopretary 'Math Tags' to presentable web pages.

2. Updated website. Many documents corrected, Cubic formula extensively modified to account for complex coefficients; Modified translation method, many new tag syntaxes, accounting for parenthesis depth and balancing, and commas to separate tag parameters and function arguments in the text. ** Still outstanding is to account for square brackets, probably as equivalent to parentheses.

3. Conversion of step 2's website to HTML5.

4. Proposed expansion to add new translation method, using math syntax as the code that will be used to generate the web document.